Target Asteroids


  • 铁镍丰度
  • r-过程,重元素合成与丰度
    • 双中子星对撞事件合成黄金


  • 热化


  • 木星轨道扰动


  • 组分
  • 轨道分布

Detail of NEA

Included minor planets and comets.

NEO/NEA Near-Earth Asteroid


  1. 面对太阳
  2. 避开阴影
  3. 焦点集中在自转轴极点
    • 可利用缓慢进动/其他自转减速机制

Simulations of directed energy thrust on rotating asteroids

10302 (1989 ML)

(10302) 1989 ML is an as yet unnamed near-Earth asteroid. It is approximately 0.6 km in diameter. An Amor asteroid, it orbits between Earth and Mars. It is an X-type asteroid, so its surface composition is yet unknown. It was discovered by Eleanor F. Helin and Jeff T. Alu at Palomar Observatory on June 29, 1989.

The delta-v (‘effort’) required to reach 1989 ML from a low-Earth orbit is only 4.8 km/s, ranking fifth (as of March 2007) amongst the near-Earth asteroids with well-established orbits. 1989 ML is thus particularly ‘easy’ (and ‘cheap’) to reach by spacecraft. 1989 ML was considered as a target of the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa (then Muses-C) but had to be given up due to technical reasons. It was also considered by the European Space Agency as a candidate target for the Don Quijote mission to study the effects of impacting a spacecraft into an asteroid; however, they too changed to other targets.[3]

Size, Albedo, and Taxonomic Type of Potential Spacecraft Target Asteroid (10302) 1989 ML
